Thursday, August 26, 2010
#55 Krekles
The first Krekles was established in Decatur, IL in 1949. Springfield didn't get theirs until 1993. There are about 7 locations throughout Central Illinois.
You can either go inside order and have a seat or you can order outside the window and hang out outside.
TASK: Have a chocolate milkshake and dip your fries in it. (Oh come on just try it for me!)
Small/Medium Group Friendly
Kid Friendly
Want to learn more?
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Where are the photos?
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
#54 Send A Postcard
Old Pen pals
Former College Roommates
Friends and Family in the Military
Kid off at College
Relatives in general
Former Mentors
Send someone a Springfield post card. There are stores all around town that sell Springfield themed post cards.
Or better yet, make it yourself. Here is a great site I found that shows 3 different ways to make postcards. From PhotoJojo
Not only would it be a fun little art and craft project, but it lets someone know you are thinking of them!3 Easy Ways to Make Postcards from Your Photos (And Brighten Someone’s Day)
Postcards are a lost art.
If you’re like most people, during your last trip you either: a) Dashed off a quick “Wish you were here” on a cheesy card you found at the airport, or b) bought a stack of beautiful cards but forgot all about them until you got home, or c) forgot about postcards altogether.
Hey, it’s okay. Vacations are stressful.
But who says that you can only send postcards when you’re away from home? You’ve got great photos, and it’s a simple task to turn them into postcards.
Take our advice: Spend 10 minutes today to scroll through your photos and pick three that make you smile. Print ‘em out, follow our instructions, and send off some beautiful just-thinking-of-you postcards. You’ll make the world a brighter place for a few of your favorite people.
3 Easy Ways to Make Postcards from Your PhotosÂ
These days, our mailboxes are more likely to be stuffed with junk mail and bills than anything we actually want. We all love getting mail (the real kind) and a picture postcard by surprise can really brighten a friend’s day. Here’s three simple ways to make postcards from your photos.
Method #1: Peel-and-Stick postcard backing
The folks over at The Vintage Postcard Shop make it easy for you to tell a friend you think they’re swell.
All you need is one of your dazzling 4×6 or 5×7 photographs, one of their peel-and-stick postcard backings, and a friend. In no time, you’ll have scrawled a witty message, slapped on a stamp, and made your friend’s day. Ta da!
These postcard backings are made from heavy stock, so they keep your photo stiff. They’ve also got a box for your stamp, lines for an address, and they’re photo-safe.
By the way, the backing is a tiny bit larger than necessary, so you don’t need to worry about getting your photos on perfectly straight–just trim off the excess and you’re good to go!
At just $4 for ten 4″x6″ backings, they’re a steal!
Method #2: Use nothing but a photo
Here’s the super quick, super simple, super cheap photo postcard trick:
- Print your photo at 4×6
- Turn it over
- Slap on a stamp, jot down your message, and write your friend’s address, all where they would normally go on a postcard
- Drop it in the mail!
Yep, that’s it!
Not many people know this, but there’s nothing fancy about the postcards you buy at the store–you don’t need a USPS blessing or special paper to make a postcard, just make it look like one!
(Now you’ve really got no excuse not to send a postcard today.)
We should note that while we’ve tried this trick a number of times, we’ve never sent a photo internationally without backing. Photos by themselves aren’t nearly as sturdy as postcards or photos with postcard backing, so if it’s crossing an ocean, we recommend using method #1.
[Update: Jill wrote in to tell us that she's received a trans-Pacific photo postcard using Method #2 ("wrinkled and a little dirty, but it arrived nonetheless.") See her photos for proof! Thanks Jill!]
Method #3: Let the Post Office do the work
We found a cool service on the post office website that lets you create a picture postcard online and have them send it for you. You never have to touch a stamp, a pen, or even your photo!
It’s easy. Go to the Premium Postcard website and scroll down to upload your image. Once you’ve done that, tap in a message, choose a font, and fill in your friend’s address. A day or two later, they’ll print it up and send it on its way.
While this method does make it incredibly quick to send a photo to a friend (you can even send the same photo and message to dozens of friends at once!) there’s something special about getting a handwritten postcard.
If you’re short on time but can print your own pics, try Method #2. But hey, a computer-printed postcard is still better than no postcard at all!
Monday, August 2, 2010
#53 Water Fight
Grab the water hose, the balloons, the slip and slide swimsuits and water guns and have an old fashion water war!
If those are too boring here are some suggestions:
Sponge Toss Contest
Required: Large car sponges, large containers of water, receiving buckets, warm weather
Divide up into teams. You can have as many teams as you have equipment. Each team forms a line with teammates a little more than an arms length away from each other. At one end of the line is a large container of water with large sponges in it. The other end has a small bucket, which you could mark with a fill line where you want the finish point to be or just fill to the top. When signaled to start, teams are to race. The person at the large container is to throw a sponge to next teammate and that person to the next until it reaches the end of the line. The last person is to squeeze the sponge out and then run to the start of the line, dip the sponge in the large container and pass to next person. If sponge is dropped while being passed, it is to be thrown back to the start of the line and you are to continue again. After full rotation of line, meaning everyone has taken sponge out of large container and passed, the team with the most collected water is the winner.
Water Balloon Dodgeball
Required: Water ballons, 2 plastic tubs Have at least 5 water balloons per player. Divide into 2 groups on opposite sides of a line with each side having their balloons in a plastic tub. If you are hit with a water balloon you are out (like dodgeball). Last one in wins. Drip-Drip-Splash
Great for a hot day. Played the same as Duck-duck-goose, but instead of touching the heads of those not picked they have a little bit of water from a cup dropped on their head. The person picked gets the rest of the cup poured on their head.
Small-Large Group Friendly
Sunday, August 1, 2010
#52 Fly A Plane
First there is a flight physical, then written test and the actual flying portion.
Just imagine the bragging right you can have with a pilot license!
Want to learn more?: