Springfield, IL 365

365 things to do in and around Springfield, IL. That's 1 thing a day for a year. And you thought you were bored!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Thanks for the support

I have had an overwhelming response to the article in the State Journal-Register by Dave Bakke

Since the article I have had dozens of emails with great ideas and things I didn't even know existed in Springfield and surrounding areas.

For the past few days I have been organizing everything everyone has sent to me and I want to put it all in this blog. My hope is that we reach past 365.

Soon I will be issuing challenges, so get your cameras ready! There will be one every season (Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring), one at the "end" and a few little ones in between. Prizes will be determined by how many people participate!

Thanks again for the support and send in your ideas no matter how big or small!


  1. So glad for you...have lots of fun!! Just wanted to suggest for the next two weekends in June at Town and Country shopping center on MacArthur will be a local artist's fair...wen last week and was very impressed with the talent.

  2. If you are looking for something to do in the Fall, though I know that is along way off, I would suggest the Haunted Hayride out at Riverside in Sherman. I also suggest the Jaycees Haunted House.

    There is also the Sweet Corn Festival in Chatham and Little Flower School's Heritage Days. (The Heritage Days has already passed, but it is a good thing to know about for future reference.)
