Springfield, IL 365

365 things to do in and around Springfield, IL. That's 1 thing a day for a year. And you thought you were bored!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

#45 Garage Sales

Want to spend a day exploring Springfield and finding treasures along the way? Well go to garage sale. Local papers feature sales every weekend during good weather.

If you don't want to scourer the paper looking for sales, then just drive around until you see signs. Watch out for neighborhood sales, then you can just park your care and walk around!

~Have small bills and change ready. Its not very convenient when you by a 50 cent Hummle and they have to break a $20.
~Start early during the day (8am ish) so you can get first picks.
~Hit sales late for the best deals (1 or 2 ish)
~Bring water, stay hydrated.
~Bring your own reusable bag

1 comment:

  1. Also: Check the Springfield list for the latest garage sales report.

