Springfield, IL 365

365 things to do in and around Springfield, IL. That's 1 thing a day for a year. And you thought you were bored!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

#71 Sledding

In the winter months there is more than enough snow fall for sledding. Springfield has enough hilly areas to sled. Also, there are enough places that host sledding to keep it safe. Two of the best place to go are Centennial Park and Pasfield Golf Course.
Springfield Parks website offer these safety tips:

  • Only sled within the designated sledding areas listed above
  • Make sure children wear a helmet
  • Dress warm (hats, gloves, boots...)
  • Be courteous of other sledders.
  • Stay off of frozen ponds and creeks
  • Only sled with a responsible adult
  • Never sled alone
  • Never sled after dark
    And above all... have fun!

    1 comment:

    1. How do we contact you via email with questions?
