Located in downtown Springfield this is a must do for anyone visiting. Most of us only saw the Lincoln Home during a field trip so why not go now that you are older and you'll pay more attention!
Some may not realize that this is a free activity. All you do is go to the Lincoln Home Visitor Center. It's located at 426 S. 7th Street. Hours of operation are from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
You have to have this ticket to view the home. While You're at it, just walk around the neighborhood!
TASK: Learn 4 new Abe Lincoln facts that you didn't already know!
Want to learn more? http://www.nps.gov/liho/index.htm
Love that you chose this as your first To Do.......I will enjoy reading all 365. Have fun!!! Suggestion....see Suessical at the Muni....it will be magical!!!