Springfield, IL 365

365 things to do in and around Springfield, IL. That's 1 thing a day for a year. And you thought you were bored!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

#32 Find The Pink Elephant

No, you haven't had one too many

No, you aren't seeing things

Yes, that's exactly what you think it is!

There are some wonderful characters that live in and around Springfield. One of which is The Pink Elephant better known as "Pinkie". It's 12 feet tall, pink and holds a martini glass. You can't miss it!

Task: Find him and take a picture.

Here's a photo with me and Pinkie about 3 years ago!

* I've been asked for hint of where Pinkie lives. Try the west end of town. Pinkie has another friend you will be visiting soon not very far.


  1. Can you give a clue as to the location?

  2. I want to rent ASAP post #
